MX-1200 Operation Video

MX-1300 Profile Software

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The MX-1200 measurement head automatically cycles up and down, with the operator pulling samples underneath for up to 1024 readings per sample, with resolution to 10 microinch.  Or for static checks of paper, tissue, film & sheet materials.

The MX-1200 utilizes a precision LVDT contact sensor, and an isolated “C” frame assembly which resolves to ten millionths of an inch (0.01 mil) with accuracy to 20 microinches.  The measurement head automatically cycles up/down, with the operator pulling samples underneath for up to 1024 readings per sample.  Statistics reported on the gauge console display include high, low, average and standard deviation, and the MX-1200 can operate our Model MX-1300 QC Software.  Designed for rugged dependability and ease-of-use, the MX-1200 can help solve the toughest thickness deviation problems.


Available with a wide range of sensor styles including: ISO, Tissue (2), Fabric, and Paper (TAPPI) shown in photo, lower right.  Film Sensors in a wide range of contact point sizes also avaiilable (not shown).  Contact Oakland factory for a recommendation.


Equipped with an RS-232 port, you can transmit data to a serial or ticket printer, or to a computer to allow operation with 3rd-party statistics and quality control software packages. Or add Oakland’s Model MX-1300 Process Control Software system, which comes complete with detailed statistics including information expressed in Percent against Average Gauge, Polar Plots to show blown film die variation, and Fourier Analysis for extrusion line problem diagnosis and analysis.  Meets method T411 “Thickness (caliper) of Paper, Paperboard, and Combined Board”.  Available in range of foot diameters, pressures, dwell times and lowering rates.

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 Model MX-1200 MicroGauge Benchtop Caliper


MX Series Overview Description,

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MicroGauge Profiler Video Script.pdf

Emveco Pro Software