Rugged & cost-effective, the MX-1210 MicroGauge can provide accurate profiling of
thickness of paper & plastic films with resolution to 10 microinch, accuracy to 20
microinch or better.
Stand-alone or software-driven thickness profiling couldn’t be simpler. The Model
MX-1210 utilizes a precision LVDT sensor, contact foot and an isolated “C” frame
assembly and resolves to ten millionths of an inch (0.01 mil) with accuracy to 20
microinches. Rugged and cost-effective, the MicroGauge can provide accurate measurement
of caliper or thickness of paper, tissue, and plastic films. Drive increments can
be set for 1 to 6 inch steps (paper) or 0.20 to 4.0 inch steps (film) with other
ranges available. Statistics are reported on the display on the faceplate, on optional
Ticket Printers (see photo lower right), and the MX-1210 can operate our Model MX-1300
Quality Control Software (see Software Plots above right).
Designed for rugged dependability
and ease-of-use, the MX-1210 can help solve the toughest thickness deviation problems.
Oakland’s Model MX-1300 Process Control Software system comes complete with detailed
statistics including information expressed in Percent against Average Gauge, Polar
Plots to show blown film die variation, and Fourier Analysis.