Opacity, Haze, Gloss & Color Meters
Oakland Instrument has captured three patents for revolutionary advances in capacitance
sensor technology including self-calibration electronics for film thickness measurement.
We are well recognized as “the leading supplier of computer-controlled benchtop
gauges” within the plastic film extrusion industry.
Easy-to-operate opacity meter for single-pass light transmission opacity testing
of films, paper, and other materials. A comparator-style design where the...
Easy-to-operate, the TX Transmission Hazemeter meets the requirements of ASTM D-1003
for CIE C readings of Haze and light Transmission...
Easy-to-operate gloss meters in 45, 60, or 20/60/85 degree angles for gloss testing
of plastic films, plastics, and ceramics...
Transmission Densitometers
Easy-to-operate density meter for measuring opacity (Density Range: 0.00 D - 6.00
D) of plastic films and plastics...
Easy-to-operate color meter for measuring color (sphere) and gloss of plastic films
and plastics, with a spectral range of 400 - 700 nm...